Do you have a problem with people that don’t believe you’re chronically ill? Do you think people assume you’re just lazy? Do you ever feel pressure to act or look a certain way so people will believe you’re sick?
Our healthy friends will never understand that we often fake being well but we don’t fake being sick. We may be at an activity one day with our hair done and make-up on while the next day or two may find us in bed unable to move. The fact that our friends don’t understand doesn’t make them bad or uncompassionate. It simply means they don’t get it and most people don’t get it unless they get it.
Recently a Facebook friend of mine posted a video of Dustin Hoffman talking about his experience while making the movie Tootsie. I don’t click on many celebrity links people post, so I’m not quite sure what prompted me to click on this one. Possibly a bit of boredom at the moment, but I’m very glad I did!
It was also around this time that I ran across this Youtube video of Lacey Buchanan as she tells the story of her son, Christian. I urge you to watch. I caution you to have Kleenex handy. This remarkable woman is raising a young boy that most people would have aborted. She is raising a child in a world where a visual first impression is sometimes all the further you’ll get in connecting with other people.
But then there can be another side to this coin. This judgmental coin. The side where from the first glance someone seems to fit our opinion of “normal” or even “attractive”. Until you get to know them.
If you’ve read many of my posts you know I have a few chronic illnesses that are invisible. This leaves me with conditions that get a general response of “but you don’t look sick”. It leaves me often with a messy house, a list of chores to still be done, days spent in bed, days spent trudging through-trying to appear as if there isn’t any pain running through my body, days overwhelmed by depression, and days backing out of certain engagements.
My prayer is that even today by a simple smile or gentle action and kind words we can show others they are loved!
Please click here to listen to this incredible song sung by Hope’s Call. (I just happen to know the singers! 😉 Allow it to speak to you, to know how much you are loved, and to, in turn, be able to show love to others! “You are loved with no conditions, you are loved with no remorse, the scars of your forgiveness are engraved upon the Lord, you are loved!”